League for Life

A Monthly Giving Program

When you participate in Chai Lifeline's League for Life...

you ensure that Chai Lifeline continues to provide meals and services to families with children who are experiencing chronic and life threatening illnesses.

The impact of your monthly donation


You Donate:


Goes towards:

Therapy session provided
by a licensed professional

You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:

Cleaning help twice a month
for a family in need

You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:
A hot meal for a large family
delivered to their home.
You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:

Programming for a Chai Big 
Sibling and Little Sibling

You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:
One week of Shining Stars
after-school program for kids and sibs.
You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:

One self-care package for a
parent of a sick child.

You get:


You Donate:


Goes towards:

One activity package filled with
fun for the whole family

You get:


Other increments are graciously accepted.